Postero-anterior (PA) View
Film Placement
  1. The midsagittal plane of the patient's head is perpendicular to the film which touches the anterior aspect of the patient's head.

  2. Forehead and the tip of the nose contact the film.

  3. The x-ray beam is directed perpendicular to the film entering the posterior aspect of the patient's head.

[insert diagram]


Oblique Lateral View (Lateral Jaw):
Film Placement | Landmarks | Quiz
Lateral Head Plate:
Film Placement | Landmarks | Quiz
Postero-anterior (PA) View:
Film Placement | Landmarks | Quiz
Antero-posterior (AP) View:
Film Placement | Landmarks | Quiz
Water's (PA Oblique) View:
Film Placement | Landmarks | Quiz
Lateral Transcranial View of TMJ:
Film Placement | Landmarks | Quiz
Submentovertex (SMV) View:
Film Placement | Landmarks | Quiz
Film Placement | Landmarks | Quiz