Course Objective

a. Radiographic examination. Perform a radiographic examination appropriate for the patient by recognizing conditions that determine the number and types of radiographs and by adjusting the exposure factors of the x-ray machine for obtaining optimal quality radiographs.

b. Quality analysis. Evaluate and discuss radiographic quality, i.e., identify discrepancies and technical errors and measures to correct the technical errors.

c. Digital radiography. Understand the process of digital radiography, manipulation of the software, and maintenance of the sensors.

d. Minimize radiation doses to patients. Demonstrate x-ray unit and darkroom quality assurance procedures. Effectively communicate radiation doses associated with, and risk/benefits of, radiographs to concerned patients in lay terms.

e. Radiographic interpretation. Interpret findings from the history, clinical and radiographic examination and other diagnostic procedures and tests and establish differential and/or definitive diagnosis.

Competency Exams

1. Full Mouth (FM) Radiography Technique Competency

Student must do 5 FM sets and have an average grade of 80% or higher before attempting FM competency. A competency exam consists of quality analysis of a FMX set, identify technical errors, and provide correction steps.

2. Panoramic Radiography Technique Competency.

Student must acquire 5 panoramic radiographs before attempting competency. Competency is done on a classmate not on a patient. No exposure will be made on a competency patient. If a student does not pass the panoramic competency that student must try competency on another subject.

3. Intraoral Radiographic Interpretation Basic Competency

The first competency examination is termed “basic” and is designed to demonstrate the student’s basic knowledge of radiographic interpretation and case presentation. The student becomes eligible to take the “basic” competency after the completion of 25 single radiographic interpretations from this website. Basic competency will be based on randomly assigned 2 (two) single radiographs from this website. This competency must be passed before the end of the junior year.

4. Radiographic interpretation complex competency

The second competency examination is termed “complex” and is designed to demonstrate the student’s ability to perform radiographic diagnosis to the level of a general dentist, use of the dental record, and case presentation. The student becomes eligible to take the complex competency upon the completion of Basic intraoral radiographic competency examination, panoramic radiographic interpretation competency examination, AND 10 radiographic interpretations with passing grades. These 10 radiographic interpretations maybe FMX or pan+BW. An FMX or Pan of a completely edentulous patient will not be counted towards this requirement. Interpretation performed before or during treatment planning will receive double credit. The ""complex” competency must be passed before the end of the junior year.
• A score of 90 percent is required to pass a competency examination.
• If the student fails a competency examination, he/she must retake the same level of competency until the competency is passed. In the case of repeated failure, formal remediation may be required.

5. Panoramic radiographic Interpretation Competency

This competency is designed to demonstrate the student’s ability to perform panoramic radiographic diagnosis to the level of a general dentist, use of the dental record, and case presentation. The student becomes eligible to take the panoramic competency upon the completion of 5 panoramic radiographic interpretations with passing grades. Panoramic competency will be based on randomly assigned 1 (one) panoramic radiograph from this website.This competency must be passed before the end of the junior year.

6. Cone beam computed tomography software competency

This competency is designed to demonstrate the student's knowledge to navigate a cone beam CT software and identify anatomic landmarks. A student is eligible to take the competency examination after attending the cone beam CT scan session.