features Errors in Panoramic Radiography

Errors in panoramic radiography are usually from two different sources: patient positioning errors and darkroom errors (film-based radiography). In this self-tutorial, several radiographs are included to demostrate patient positioning errors. Please review the six examples of most common errors in panoramic radiography. Eliminating these common errors will provide us with better diagnosis.

Panoramic Erros Case 5

Even with our best efforts, sometimes we cannot avoid a discrepancy on a panoramic radiograph. During the image acquisition, this patient started talking. As the mandible moved, tooth #19 is recorded twice. The image of the inferior border of the mandible has a few step deformities from this motion. The image of the hyoid on the left side also shows signs of motion. The hard palate on the left side also shows a step, which is a sign of motion. Tooth #14 also appears wider due to this motion.